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⏳ What's New? Waitlist For Courses

Community Manager
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Hey everyone,

I've got some exciting news to share with you today. It's all about making your life easier and your business more efficient.

You know that frustrating feeling when your courses are all booked up, and you have to turn away eager customers? Well, those days are over!

Introducing the Waitlist for Courses

That's right, we're rolling out a new feature: Waitlist for Courses.

This is a game-changer. Now, when your courses hit full capacity, your customers don't have to miss out. They can simply join a waitlist.

And the best part? It's completely free for them to sign up.

When a spot opens up, they'll get a notification to complete their payment and secure their place.

This means more potential revenue for you and happier customers who get a chance at the courses they want.

Setting Up is a Breeze

Wondering how to get this up and running? It's simple.

Head over to your CRM, navigate to settings, then Bookings, and finally, Courses.

Here, you can enable the waitlist feature and even set the number of waitlist spots you want to offer.

A Little Extra: GIFs in Announcements

Oh, and here's a quick tip for you. We've added a fun new feature to our announcements: GIFs!

With GIFs, your announcements are more likely to grab attention.

In fact, they get 7.2 times more clicks than a standard email.

So, whether you're announcing holiday sales, course updates, or just letting folks know about a snow day, GIFs will make your messages pop.

That's all for now. We're here to give you the tools you need to maximise your business effortlessly.

Stay tuned for more updates and features designed to make your life easier.



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I help studios bridge the gap between technology and business goals. I research Businesses and technology to bring you valuable insights that can help you grow.

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