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What’s new? Stay Tax Compliant and Stress-Free with Bookee's Latest Feature!

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Hey there!

Naj here, bringing you some exciting news from the Bookee Insider!

Guess what's fresh and fantastic?

We've got an update that's all about simplifying your studio's payments and keeping things tax-compliant without the hassle.

So, picture this: you're offering those awesome free intro classes that everyone loves. They're like a warm welcome to your studio, right?

But here's the tricky part – when it comes to marking these as $0 sales, things can get a bit complicated, especially when good ol' Uncle Sam (yep, the I.R.S.) steps into the picture.

Your bookkeepers would definitely nod in agreement with the struggles this used to involve. But worry not, because we've taken away that headache.

And let's talk about those cases where your clients prefer using platforms like Venmo to pay.

With our Custom Payment methods, you can smoothly label these transactions as Comp or Barter. No more squeezing square pegs into round holes!

Introducing our brilliant solution to keep you tax-compliant effortlessly.

We put on our thinking hats after a chat with you all, and voila! The custom payment option was born.

Think of it as your trusty Swiss Army knife for payments – versatile and user-friendly. With this, handling payments in various ways becomes a breeze.

Imagine having multiple channels to collect payments directly. This not only makes your life easier but also ramps up your bookings.

So, go ahead and roll out those metaphorical red carpets for those free sessions. We're pretty confident that with this little touch of magic, people will be coming back for more, eagerly waiting in line.

Stay groovy and stress-free!


Bookee Insider Team

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