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✅ What's New? Pre-Requisites for classes

Community Manager
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Hey there!

Naj here, bringing some fresh insights from Bookee!

Remember how school taught us you can't just skip to advanced stuff without knowing the basics? Well, that life lesson applies big time to our classes.

We've seen eager learners dive right into the deep end—advanced classes without the prep.

Spoiler: it's tough, confusing, and not fun!

So, what's the game-changer? 🌟

Enter "Pre-requisites!"

We're launching a way to ensure everyone's on the right track: Pre-Requisites for Services. It's simple:

You gotta walk before you can run; beginner classes before intermediate ones.

You'll be able to introduce a tag-based booking system.

  • If a class is tagged 'Advanced', only those with the 'Advanced' tag can book it.

Classes show their level clear as day, keeping bookings exclusive to those who are ready.

Quick Setup, Big Wins!

How to get it rolling? Easy peasy:

  1. Scroll down while setting up or editing a class.
  2. Turn on "Set up conditions for Prerequisites."
  3. Choose your conditions and message. Done!

This little tweak? It's going to make learning smoother and more enjoyable for everyone. Keep an eye out for more goodies coming your way!

Catch you later!


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