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Product Updates

⏸️ What's new? Introducing the Pause Packages Feature

Community Manager
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Hey, it's Naj from Bookee Insider, always here with exciting updates!

You're going to be hearing a lot from me because we're constantly working on making Bookee better. We're not just introducing new features; we're also making your favorite ones even smoother.

Today, I want to dive into a brand-new feature: the Pause Credit Feature.

Imagine this: Your client tells you they're taking a break and won't be coming to the studio for a while. What happens to the credits they've got left?

Do you let the pack expire? With this feature, you are also moving forward the expiry date.

Before this feature, it was a bit of a hassle. You had to log into the CRM, manually set their credits to zero, and then, when they returned, you had to fiddle with their credits and validity all over again. That's just too much manual work for anyone's liking.

But we've got some good news. We've made life simpler with the Pause Credit Feature.

Here's how it works:

You can easily pause credit packs. Go to the customer profile, select the credit pack, pick the start and end dates for the pause, and you're all set.

No need for your customer to get in touch when they're back – their credit pack will automatically kick back into action from the date you've chosen.

The customer will be notified of the pause, and when the pause will be resumed.

We're all about convenience and less hassle, so you can focus on what you do best – running your studio.

Here's to smoother studio management and more time for what matters most!

Stay awesome,


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I help studios bridge the gap between technology and business goals. I research Businesses and technology to bring you valuable insights that can help you grow.

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