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3 reasons why you should choose Bookee Email Campaigns over Mailchimp

Customer Success Team
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The three reasons are- Custom audience targeting, Templates & Pricing.

Let’s dive into each one to understand why it’s an easy choice to make.

1. Custom Audience Targeting

To fully comprehend why bookee’s in-built email campaigns is the obvious choice, it is important to understand how the Mailchimp integration with bookee works. To put it simply, all the lead/customer details you have in bookee are transferred to Mailchimp, however, the power to segment them based on their behaviour is not.

This would be easier to understand with a couple of examples. 

Scenario 1: You want to send an email about the upcoming summer sale to all your customers

Bookee: Works Well

Mailchimp Integration: Works equally well

Scenario 2: You want to send an email about the upcoming summer sale only to customers who haven’t visited your studio in the last 30 days

Bookee: The process is fairly simple

  • Create a custom audience in the CRM, with this rule- Last Visit Date > 30 days ago, 
  • Design a beautiful email using in-built templates
  • Hit Send

Mailchimp: The additional steps make all the difference

  • Create a custom audience in the CRM, with this rule- Last Visit Date > 30 days ago, 
  • Expand the list to view details of all the customers in this bucket
  • Filter out the names of these customers one by one in Mailchimp
  • Design an email using Mailchimp templates
  • Hit send

Imagine repeating this process for hundreds of leads/customers every time you want to target a specific set of leads/customers. That brings us to reason number one-

2. Templates

Just in case you don’t mind spending hours on sorting out audiences, here’s some food for thought:

  • Mailchimp is a generic email marketing tool, which means it doesn’t understand the needs of a fitness business. 
  • You have limited autonomy over email design, unless you know how to code and can create your own custom templates
  • Free templates are limited, banal and extremely difficult to customise, which means your email has less likelihood of getting noticed

Bookee’s in-built email templates are designed specifically for your business, here’s how:

  • We know you like to send a Welcome email when someone attends their first class & the seasonal sales you are going to run- so we have a template for every possible scenario
  • You have complete control over email design, you can proudly use your branding, that too without any coding experience- everything is drag and drop
  • We don’t believe in the game of free and paid templates, all templates are yours to use even in the most basic plan

3. Pricing

For a $49/month marketing suite, this is what you get in bookee:

  • Unlimited Monthly Email sends
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited audiences
  • Access to all pre-built email templates

For accessing the same level of flexibility and capability, you need to pay $278 in Mailchimp.

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