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Product Spotlight

Best Way To Stay Close To Your Clients: Announcements

Vaishwi Sinha
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Boost customer lifetime value with ‘Announcements’

You would agree that customer lifetime value has a big role to play in the success of your business.

So, what are the factors that can increase your customer's lifetime value?

They primarily are:

  • Having upsell & cross-sell options

To be able to implement the above, mobile needs to be at the forefront, as it gives your client instant access to your studio.

An average American spends about 3 hours and 30 minutes on a mobile device

This must be leveraged!

We understand the importance of using mobile apps to grow your studio.

Hence, we have launched - ‘Announcements’! 🚀

With Announcements, you can harness the potential of your mobile app to reach your customers with the right message, at the right time. The announcement feature includes:

  • Detailed Cards
  • Banners
  • Notifications

How to use ‘Announcements’ for your business?

1. Detailed Cards:

  • When to use it?

When you need to make major announcements, for which, your clients need context (visual & textual) & specific information like date, time & location

  • Why use it?

Offering value is the easiest way to drive engagement and build a relationship. The effort you put into organizing special events and introducing products that enhance client experience is of no value unless they are informed about all the awesome stuff you are doing for them. Communicating value is as important as creating value.

  • What to communicate?
    - Opening your new studio in another location
    - If you have organized a master class/event for your clients
    - Announcing an upcoming competition your clients can participate in
    - Introduction of new trainers you have onboarded
    - Information about your latest product on your roster
    - Any get-togethers you are planning

  • How to design a catchy ‘Detailed Announcement’?

Let’s say, you have launched a new line of workout mats, this is what your detailed card could look like:

“Clients should get the gist of your announcement without having to click the card”

“Human attention span is just 8 seconds-  engage quickly!”

2. Banners

  • When to use it?

When you need to make an important, time-sensitive announcement, that needs to be seen by a large share of your clients, as soon they open the app

  • Why use it?

Every business hits roadblocks at times, which is bound to impact the client experience. What clients really appreciate is a forewarning about the incoming hiccups. Shielding your clients from unpleasant surprises makes all the difference.

  • What to communicate?
    - Planned studio closure for maintenance
    - Class cancellations/modifications due to weather conditions
    - Scheduling changes if a particular trainer is unavailable
    - Change in the facility in which class was scheduled
  • How to create content for banners?

Let’s say, you want to have to cancel all sessions due to suddenly deteriorating weather conditions

“It’s important to communicate the ‘Why’ behind your decision”

3. Notifications

  • When to use it?

Whenever you want to execute a marketing strategy that helps you upsell or cross-sell. Secondly, when you want to make sure they engage with your app & brand

  • Why to use it?

Notifications trigger customers to check out your offering instantly. Additionally, notification’s average open rate is 10X that of email (20% vs 2% for email)

  • What to communicate?
    - Limited period promo, discount codes & offers
    - New class/product launch
  • How to create notifications?

Let’s say, you are offering a 10% discount on your 5+ class pack at the beginning of the week

“Have a clear value proposition that’s expressed succinctly with a dash of fun”


Customer engagement & upselling feed into each other- the more you engage,

the more you sell, and the more you sell, the more involved they become with you.

With “Announcements”, you have a highly effective tool in your arsenal to both- engage & upsell

If you want to activate this feature or want to learn more about how to use it- please contact your account manager.

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Vaishwi Sinha Bookee Writer
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Vaishwi Sinha

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